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Pantera CEO Dan Morehead Reveals Hedge Fund’s Biggest Crypto Positions

Pantera CEO Dan Morehead Reveals Hedge Fund’s Biggest Crypto Positions -Pantera Capital CEO Dan Morehead revealed the hedge fund's largest crypto positions. -Morehead said a market inefficiency has failed to properly price bitcoin following May's halving.  The chief executive officer for crypto hedge fund Pantera Capital has revealed some of the firm’s biggest crypto positions. […]

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Bitcoin is Almost as Big as Bank of America

As crypto prices continue climbing, Bitcoin's market cap has almost reach par with Bank of America's market cap. All the speculative capital invested in Bitcoin (BTC) at the moment totals just a few billion dollars shy of Bank of America's market valuation. Bitcoin's current market cap sits just over $217 billion, according to Cointelegraph data […]

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North America may be emerging as the hodling hub of the world

For most investors, the crypto-market is no longer uncharted territory. Thanks to increasing regulatory clarity and mainstream adoption, institutional investors are now flocking in. With the industry maturing over the past decade, it would seem that North America has emerged to become a very important market, something evidenced by the fact that it has more […]

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Iran One-Ups the United States? Tehran Seeks Crypto Mining Dominance

Iran’s government OKs power plants mining crypto as the country moves forward with a national strategy for cryptocurrency mining. Crypto mining in Iran is set to become even bigger with the government giving the green light for power plants to mine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC). The news is the latest piece of positive development on […]

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Introducing MARKETHIVE TV – Now LIVE on ROKU and AMAZON FIRE TV In the last week of July 2020, Markethive TV launched and is now live on Roku TV and Amazon Fire TV which is just one of many joint ventures, the Social Market Network is working on collaboratively with the facilitator, Greg Hoyt, […]

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Top-Tier Crypto Exchanges Beat Riskier Platforms as Crypto Trading Volumes Recover

Top-Tier Crypto Exchanges Beat Riskier Platforms as Crypto Trading Volumes Recover  Top cryptocurrency exchanges have seen their trading volumes surge throughout July, so much so these now represent 60% of the crypto space’s total spot volume. According toCryptoCompare’s July 2020 Exchange Review, Top-Tier cryptocurrency trading platforms, those graded AA-B according to the firm’sExchange Benchmark, have […]

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Honeywell Creates a Blockchain Search Engine’ for Aircraft Parts Data

Aerospace giant Honeywell will use a blockchain system to streamline the documentation of aircraft parts and services. Honeywell International Inc has created a blockchain-based system to solve the complex documentation and data storage processes of the aerospace industry.  The company announced that its blockchain subsidiary GoDirect Trade will integrate the aircraft record generation process into its blockchain […]

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Grandmas On Lightning

Grandmas On Lightning Is Bitcoin Too Hard To Understand? I’ve spent a huge part of the last three years explaining Bitcoin to general audiences and the most common form of resistance I encounter is: “Bitcoin is too complicated. The masses will never understand it.” It’s a fair argument. Bitcoin is complicated and if you want […]