Riding the wave of artificial intelligence with Sensitrust

Riding the wave of artificial intelligence with Sensitrust

The disruptive technologies of this era have brought about a term called “programmable economy”,

created by Gartner Inc that describes the all-new smart economy which is a result of technological innovations. It is the way now goods and services are created and consumed that has enabled diverse ways of exchanging monetary and non-monetary values. The traditional ways, which appear very inefficient and non-optimal, are making it difficult for companies to get a position in this competitive world. Time-to-market has become crucial and a delay in product or service release leads to loss of money and reputation. This wave of Millennials and now Gen Z workforce is all about passion economy which enables them to pursue what they love and make money out of it. The idea of working from home, flexible hours and new business models to support this is inundating the workspace and the job arena. This change calls for an evolution in the way recruiting is done, with the advent of artificial intelligence in this space.

Blockchain technology is an emerging technology being adopted by forward-looking companies which is all about shifting from a centralized to a decentralized, transparent, and safe way of managing data. Using this technology, the activities of all the stakeholders of a project are supported by Smart Contracts, while the adoption of sophisticated methods of Artificial Intelligence helps the stakeholders to make business-critical decisions. In this context, working nomads, who travel and still keep in touch with their customers, is very alluring but also requires safety measures and regulation. Sensitrust aims to be that bridge between customers and professionals to define a new ecosystem of safe interactions by exploiting the peculiarities of Blockchain, Smart Contracts, and Artificial Intelligence technologies.

Blockchain technology is also referred to as DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) and is a means to share digital assets whose integrity is preserved by maintaining a transactional ledger of all changes happening to the asset. This revolutionary technology allows a scalable and risk-free system for several uses. How will it be if you can get the right kind of data, which is always up to date, which matches professionals to customers and gives the most appropriate advice by filtering from a large amount of data?

Instead of rummaging through a wide array of profiles, many of which are of no use to you, you can actually get a selected few which are an ideal match for your requirements. Imagine how much time you would save and also make a risk-free selection by eliminating wrong profiles. This is where the AI technology, adopted by Sensitrust, comes in with its predictive engine. It acts like a human expert who has accumulated a huge experience analyzing historical data, collected organically in the platform, to predict the outcome of newly occurring situations. The predictive engine of Sensitrust is capable of learning from mistakes automatically in a transparent way using deep neural networks and many other models. The many ways it helps customers and professionals are the following:

  • It exploits advices and feedbacks of customers to provide more customized profiles, following all the requirements and constraints.
  • The analysis performed for a successful project is used by the engine to improve the outcome of similar future projects.
  • It provides professionals with valuable inputs for proposing their participation to Calls To Action (CTAs). By matching active CTAs to the expertise and skills of a professional, the engine will suggest ideal campaigns from the numerous opportunities available.
  • Recommendations are provided to customers to consider which team of professionals could possibly act on their CTA and send them automatic notifications. This is done by considering the similarities with past successful participations of  professionals to CTAs.
  • It also exploits past negative cases which led to disagreements and disputes, in order to avoid such situations in the future.
  • It can predict the customer satisfaction according to the service level that a professional can potentially offer, in terms of products and services. This provides a significant advantage, since professionals are selected based on the level of satisfaction they can bring to the customer and not only on the basis of the cost or past feedbacks.
  • Customers will receive advices about the most fitting subscription for his needs (both upgrades and downgrades) to optimize the cost/benefit of his experience in the platform.
  • The cost asked by professionals is analyzed by the predictive engine to figure out if it is appropriate or not. It takes into account multiple aspects like popularity and skill of professionals, feedback received by professionals on similar projects, etc.

The Sensitrust native token (SETS token) will be used to access all such services at a discounted rate.

This plethora of capabilities provided by Sensitrust is backed by a team of highly informed technical wizards who make use of the latest and most sophisticated AI and Machine Learning approaches, including:

    • Deep Neural Networks, that are able to classify and forecast future values on the basis of videos, images, or time series.
  • Tree-based models, that provides predictive models which decisions can be directly read, interpreted and validated by human experts.
  • Recommender systems, that are used to provide suggestions on the basis of the description of items (such as, user profiles, projects, activities) and on the basis of common relationships among them.
  • Clustering methods, that identify groups of similar items on the basis of their characteristics and relationships. Sensitrust will identify groups of customers, professionals and activities for profiling purposes, as well as to provide predictions and recommendations.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods, that analyze text-based unstructured data, to perform tasks such as translations. Sensitrust will automate the review of specifications and the evaluation of the quality of products or services which can be described textually.

Sensitrust is a platform which helps in managing data and artefacts used for carrying out projects, by means of Smart Contracts, throughout all the phases of a project which is developed using this platform. The many applications of Sensitrust can be found in the IT industry for hiring quality professionals, in the banking domain by replacing traditional operations with Blockchain-based solutions, and also in the Academy, for the identification of expert reviewers as well as of an international team for the implementation of research projects.

Article Produced By

Ishan Garg

Ishan is a cryptocurrency trader and a journalist. He is the founder of Blockmanity. He trades cryptocurrencies and holds some but he prefers holding



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