Entrepreneur One and Adsense alert

Markethive rounds another milestone corner AdSense and other Ad services approved.

Time is running out.
The fact we have been approved for AdSense as well as other top ad services like Cointraffic, projects income in the potential area north of $500,000 per month. This is according to our traffic, AdSense audit, WorthofWeb,  WRE (Website Revenue Estimator)  and Webuka. All links to them listed below.

Adsense Google Calculator only goes as high as 10 million page views per month. Markethive has 140 million page views per month

Website Revenue Estimator. Again our monthly visitors (27 million) and monthly page views (140 million) exceeds their online calculator.

Worth Of Web estimates projected AdSense revenue and accurately reveals page views and unique visitors. These numbers closely match our internal data and confirm the other online calculator income projections. https://www.worthofweb.com/website-value/markethive.com/ 

One last site that evaluates worth and is low balling it still projects revenue in excess of $200,000 per month. https://www.webuka.com/files/apps/worth/websiteworth.php

With this said, we are not far from reaching new levels of revenue that will accelerate Markethive’s engineering (wallets, broadcasting, additional high quality mail servers, upgrades, new News Feed, Aps, etc.) This will also begin to pay the promise to our ILP holders. We are so close to this occurring.

It is now in the hands of Douglas and engineering to tweak the system to start pouring in the revenue. As you read above, we can expect some stellar results with the next couple of months.

This does affect the Entrepreneur One program.
We launched the Entrepreneur One program to give us a monthly funding to help us build Markethive with our engineers. I gave away the store to the early adopters of this program. Things like earning 1/10th of an ILP for every 12 month consecutive monthly payment. The BIX banner program, all the other upgraded services like the Bounce, Press release and other upgraded marketing services. All for $100 an incredible offer so you could be an early adopter and profit hugely as we grow. And a whole lot more.

With the AdSense and other advertising revenue services now approving us, the increase in revenue is guaranteed. This means the revenue from the Entrepreneur One program will no longer be our soul source and as the advertising revenue grows, and it will, The Entrepreneur Program will no longer be available. Only current Entrepreneur One loyalty members will have it and ability to keep it forever, a legacy, but it is still available at this time.

So, pay attention. 
Those of you that had active Entrepreneur One programs this year and let them expire and those who never got one and those who want more. Come to the meeting and reach out to us. This offer is limited and as much as we need the revenue, we also want you to profit from our long term dedication to build this empire. You can go upgrade to Entrepreneur One simply by tapping here: https://markethive.com/index_members?subscriptions 

To restore your expired accounts, pickup more accounts or get on board with the soon to end Entrepreneur One program you can easily upgrade or contact Douglas here @ Telegram ( https://t.me/MarkethiveCTO ) or via Markethive @ https://markethive.com/engineering or email him at cto@markethive.net

Fake Traffic
AdSense alerted us Markethive was receiving fake traffic and can be grounds to be suspended or terminated. The fake traffic is exclusively hitting the capture pages. Some of this fake traffic is toxic and as we continue to configure the monetization of our system we will block these toxic sites and list them in Markethive for our members.

Chronic tappers
We have members that love tapping on banners, chronically, over and over causing false banner hits. AdSense and other ad revenue systems will suspend or terminate for such behaviour. Therefore we are building another feature into the system. If you over click banners, your ability to click a banner will be suspended for a time. You will also receive serious negative rankings in your Hive Rank and second offenses will deduct 100 coins for each offense.

Alexa Ranking
Blocking these fake traffic systems will have a negative impact on our Alexa ranking, but I prefer true transparency and real traffic, real subscribers and real results.

We can still expect stellar results in the near future for our increased revenue. As it grows, the Entrepreneur One offer will end. I highly recommend if you have been setting on the fence make the jump to get an Entrepreneur One upgrade. The lifetime potential is incredible and the Entrepreneur One members will be exclusive to growing their ILPs.

Entrepreneur One membership 

More about Entrepreneur One ILP incentive
ILPs here (in case you are wondering)

More about the ILP
A life time income

Help Us Help You
We are now configuring for these ad revenue systems. They have found Markethive qualified for their programs. Once we get all of this polished and running smooth we can expect a significant increase in revenue. This is good for all of you but especially those with Entrepreneur One accounts. The Entrepreneur One membership gives away the store to you. Your Entrepreneur One membership funds our growth. It is reciprocal because as our funds increase our acceleration to complete these projects brings in more revenue and that growth will then fund you. 

If you do not have an Entrepreneur One, this is the time to get one. Already have one get another one

See you Sunday @ 10am (mountain)

Login to the meeting via the Markethive Dashboard “Calendar”

Thomas Prendergast

Meeting time Sunday November 22, 2020 10 am (mountain)
7 pm (Cairo; Helsinki)
6 pm (Zurich; Lagos
5 pm (London)
2 pm (Rio De Janiero)
12 noon Eastern (New York; Lima)
11 am Central (Chicago; Winnipeg)
10 am Mountain (Denver; Calgary) 
9 am Pacific (Seattle; Los Angeles)
8 am (Alaska; Hawaii)
6 am (Auckland; Kamchatka)
3:30 am (Adelaide)


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