THE INCENTIVIZED LOAN PROGRAM (I.L.P) A Powerful Way To Spread The Wealth.

The Incentivized Loan Program is a powerful and beneficial way to spread the wealth. The ILP is essentially a loan and is regulatory friendly and in compliance with the UCC Code, in that, they can be compliant even with the most stringent regulatory frameworks around the world when it comes to fraud and money laundering. 

The ILP is like a convertible note which is defined as a type of short term debt financing used in early-stage capital raises. You can think of it as an IOU. 

It is essentially a legitimate way to finance projects via the blockchain and has been created and utilized by Markethive as an alternative crowdfunding means of raising funds.  Markethive is the first to offer the Incentivized Loan Program and will be one of the first companies to raise capital by decentralized crowdfunding of debt. 

ILP holders also share in the success of the company and enjoy a form of a return via interest from the net profit of the company which is 20% of the net revenue paid monthly and a balloon payment to be paid at the end of the duration of the note of 20 years. 

Here is a bullet point breakdown…

  • An Incentivized Loan Program creates a legally binding and conforming loan agreement. Because it is a debt instrument, it is not subject to tax and is compliant with the USA UCC code governing debt instruments. 

  • It is open to individuals around the world as loans are allowed almost everywhere.

  • The company doesn’t need to create tokens that are speculative and actually have no use. 

  • Markethive onboard operational capital through this debt structure. ILP holders are issued a transferable secure blockchain token.

  • The maximum amount of ILPs is limited to 1000, although we are targeting to distribute less than 1000. 1 share equals 1 full ILP.

  • Revenue generated from Markethive’s multiple revenue streams will fund the interest payments, paid through the ILP via the blockchain in MHV which can then be converted into the currency of your choice via the Markethive Coin Exchange.

  • 20% of the Net Revenue is paid to all ILP token holders per their pro-rata share as interest payments, as long as the principal is outstanding. A balloon payment is then paid out after 20 years and can be extended upon mutual agreement.  

  • The ILP Blockchain will securely, efficiently and accurately pay the interest payments on a periodical monthly basis. There can be no tampering with blockchain technology. 

  • ILP tokens are sellable through Markethive’s peer to peer auction-style exchange. This gives the ILP token holder control over their exit plan. 

  • ILPs can be broken down into fractions thereof. This can be down to 1/1000th of an ILP. There is a dedicated internal ILP Markethive Exchange being built where members can buy and sell their ILPs or fractions of their ILPs. This turns the ILP into a cash cow. 

  •  ILPs can also be obtained by upgrading from a free member to one of the Entrepreneur Loyalty Programs currently priced at $100 per month. A 1/10th of an ILP is allotted to you after 12 months of consecutive payments and for every year thereafter that you are an active subscriber. 

Imminent Growth – Lucrative Outcome

Based on the continual exponential growth according to internal and external data sources as well as ongoing development along with achieving every single milestone over the past 5 years, we are super confident we will exceed 5 million members within the next 2 years.

This is a very conservative estimate, however, based on this data, let’s play around with some figures. We can expect the following growth…

With just 10% of Markethive’s 5 million members upgrading to one of our Loyalty Programs at $100 per month equates to a monthly income of $5 million per month. 20% of the net revenue would be approximately $10 million per month. Divided by the maximum number of 1000 ILP shares, would represent a monthly income of $10,000 per month. For the holders of 1/10th of an ILP that represents a cool $1000 per month for a subscription payment of $100 per month. 

As the company grows the revenue will reflect that growth for a projected duration of 20 years before the loan becomes due which is regarded as a balloon payment. When we initially offered ILPs to our members, they were listed at $10,000, but as a growing amount of ILPs has already been acquired, the ILP is now listed at $100,000 per ILP.  As Markethive gets closer to exponential growth the value of the ILP will continue to increase along with the monthly interest payments. 

An ILP is like owning an Oil Well, as described by Thomas Prendergast, the Founder, and CEO of Markethive. 

Markethive is making it easy to access the ILPs for our rank and file members as we believe and embrace making Markethive everyone’s company. The Markethive coin along with the micropayment faucet is another process of giving our members long term wealth and revenue with a true ecosystem to make use of our coin beyond valuable.

Creating a “Universal Income” for entrepreneurs. Using our state-of-the-art integrated inbound marketing platform, social network, artificial intelligence, business services, ewallet, coin exchange, mining datacenter, incubator and blockchain income platforms for success in the crypto-preneurial and entrepreneurial markets.

View Markethive’s White Paper


So how do you get your hands on your share of an ILP? You can choose from the following 3 ways…

  1. You can wait for the ILP exchange to be completed and the Markethive wallet in place and then buy ILPs or shares from other members in the exchange.

  2. You can purchase ILP shares or partial shares from us (Markethive) directly. We sell full shares and fractions thereof as small as 1/100th for $1000. Purchase an ILP outright by contacting Douglas @ (priorities are given to ILP purchasers) 

  3. You can upgrade to Entrepreneur One and receive a 1/10th share every year for up to 10 years, which works out to $1,200 a year and receive a 1/10th share. And once you have an Entrepreneur One account and stay current, you keep that account as long as you want.


Markethive’s growth and ever-improving Alexa Ranking, community involvement, the fact Markethive is a Social Network with continued interaction and engagement on the platform, becoming more prevalent each day moving forward. 

A social media platform with all the essential inbound marketing tools needed for growing a business, along with a cryptocurrency ecosystem to ensure universal income for its members. This company is not only poised for a successful launch of its system and Consumer Coin, but it is also set for long term growth and is the next generation of how we interact and conduct business online. 

Markethive is currently in Beta and start-up and the advantages you get today will not last long. You can be considered an early adopter.  Secure your future with the next generation Social Market Network offering you the perfect system for real long-term success, financial freedom, and a place you can call home. This web 3.0 model of social media, inbound marketing, and eCommerce is coming to fruition. This is truly the complete ecosystem for entrepreneurs. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams 

A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 




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