Climate Hoax — Only the Sun Causes Global Temperature Fluctuation

Climate Hoax

Our sun exerts control on the planets

Climate change has reached universal status of urgency

Bogus climate scientists

Only the Sun causes Global Temperature Fluctuation

Earth’s Geological History Tells the Truth

Source: Final Wakeup Call

Man-made Global Warming is a Fantasy

Don’t be afraid; Global Warming, currently ‘Climate Change’ is not true. It’s dressed up as science but it’s not science, it’s propaganda: “Global temperatures are rising, greenhouses gas emissions are destroying our atmosphere;” say the fear-mongers “there is more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than ever before, the migration patterns of animals are changing”, and so the list goes on and on. We are simply being told lies. There is no direct evidence that links global warming with greenhouse gases. There is no scientific proof that ‘carbon dioxide’ (CO2) drives climate, it certainly hasn’t done in the past. The CO2 theory is, simply put, ingenious propaganda, pushing the idea of man-made climate change, to create a price-inflating energy policy. While the greenhouse theses have since long been refuted. Neither the ban on light bulbs, nor the gigantic subsidies for so-called renewable energy, has proven to be of any sensible value in changing this manufactured predicament. Instead of influencing climate change with taxes, governments should have dealt with the consequences of natural climate change.

The climate change propaganda is meant to form the basis of the motive for the creation of a brand-new climate tax which the people will be forced to pay. Supposedly, it will offset the excessive use of fossil fuels and the buying of plastic, etc. As government cannot stop climate change, the billions collected will grow into multi-trillion Deep State speculative bubbles. The ridiculous argument is held; paying a climate tax will free us from environmental responsibility, rocking us back into guiltless sleep-mode, being allowed to continue with our environmentally damaging habits. To achieve this ridiculous goal, the pressure will be kept on, informing us every day that the Climate Armageddon is coming.

Understand; the whole greenhouse story is a Rockefeller-initiated, false hype, just to get people to believe that we are on the road to a climate disaster. Instead, Authorities should have directed their energy into the credit markets, that have ruined our society. There has never been a meaningful debate about the causes of climate change, as there is no solution, because the sun spots from mother nature cannot be changed. That probably is the reason there has not been any meaningful debate about the causes of climate change. Weather patterns are in truth much bigger than human influence. While it is simply stated: “The emission of greenhouse gases leads to global warming”, this is in actual fact disputable. In general, the CO2 greenhouse gas theory is just an ingenious propaganda tool, to steal more and more money from the populace, while the so-called climate change fiasco has nothing to do with us, the people and our climate.

‘Greenhouse Gases are a Swindle’, is a programme that the BBC broadcasted a couple of years ago under the supervision of a prominent scientist. It went against the establishment and was taken off the air! – The sun’s spots change continuously, resulting in the cooling of the earth. In the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, two alternating currents run for a number of years in south–north, subsequently changing into a north-south direction; called el Niño (N-S) and la Niña (S-N). In the last decennia, we experienced la Niña (hot stream) and that is changing into el Niño (cold stream) around the present period of time. Furthermore, the CO2 in the Oceans does influence the climate. Be assured, it is not caused by (tail) pipe emissions alone. Let us hope that real independent scientists will keep speaking out as an antidote to the blatant, baseless lies of climate pseudo ‘specialists.’ Bear in mind that too many (financial) interests are involved; we are dealing with a veritable climate mafia.

So, man-made global warming is a fantasy, engineered by the global-warming fanatics themselves. Climate change is occurring – as it always has – and is inevitable. The same cannot be said for the unspeakably irresponsible proposals of cabal-paid scientists, whose egos have far exceeded their knowledge. What is being wished-for is not a “carbon cap and trade,” it is an “economic cap and trade.”

Our sun exerts control on all the planets

Planet Earth is five billion years old. Our sun exerts more control on all the planets than any other factor. Our climate has never stopped changing and never will. Regardless of the impacts of carbon dioxide, because one volcanic eruption puts enough material into the atmosphere to cool the planet for a decade.

Moreover, there is about 50 times as much carbon dissolved in the oceans in the form of CO2 and carbonic acid, bicarbonate and carbonate ions as exists in the atmosphere. The oceans act as an enormous carbon sponge, having “absorbed about one-third of all human-generated CO2 emissions to date.” Besides, life on Earth, without CO2 is impossible. For vegetation, animals and human beings, CO2 is an essential element, all living beings are carbon-based.

Man-made global warming crisis crusaders are now facing a new threat. Their carbon-based, anti-fossil fuel premise for alarmism is being challenged by new scientific evidence of important solar influence on the climate that can’t be blamed on us, not even with a stretch of the imagination. Not that there wasn’t lots of good evidence of these facts before. Actually, there has always been, and it has been routinely denigrated and ignored. But the Sun itself causes global warming, says Prof Larry Bell.

Climate change has reached universal status

Climate change has reached the point where there’s universal consensus. On a hot day, the average person will tell you it’s because of climate change. Then, they might say that it’ll be 60 Celsius degrees here in 75 years if we don’t do something about the climate.

It is even purported that snow will disappear in the Alps and in Aspen 50 years from now because of climate change. And everyone agrees, saying, “I know. I heard the same thing. It’s just awful”. Remember in 2002, Al Gore said in his Global Warming Promotion; By 2012 there will be no snowfall anymore and sea levels will have risen by up to 3 metres. To this day, now eight years later, nothing of his doom-mongering has come true.

The IPCC analysis of global temperatures suffers from a glaring error — namely, failure to account for “influences of low cloud cover” and how it impacts global temperatures. Natural variations in low cloud cover, which are strongly influenced by the ability of cosmic radiation to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere due to variations in the strength of our planet’s magnetosphere, account for nearly all changes in global temperature, other researchers explain.

Why would there be no snow in the Alps and Aspen 50 years from now? What would cause that? The average person has no clue. People have been brainwashed, simply repeating thoughtlessly what is propagated on the news by the mainstream, consensus puppets. This has created today’s hysteria around climate change. People are completely sure that humans are causing the planet to warm. They will tell you that climate change is going to be the end of us. Look at the ludicrous Greta Thunberg hype, promoted through the Rockefeller institute, even a Swedish church’s tweet named the teenage climate change activist as the “successor” to Jesus Christ. This announcement, which was both lauded and criticised on Twitter, was unearthed following Thunberg’s speech at the U.N.’s Climate Action Summit in New York City on Sept. 23 -2019.

Bogus climate scientists

It is said that 97% of climate scientists think global warming is real and largely caused by humans. This 97% figure was proclaimed by an Australian blogger named John Cook in 2013. Although it is ridiculous, it has gained much popularity, like Al Gore’s 1990s fear mongering about the end of the world in 2012.

Out of hundreds of thousands of papers that have been completed on climate change, they chose 12,000 and manipulated them and subjectively interpreted parts of their abstracts to support this a priori climate religion. Many scientists whose names were used subsequently protested. A subsequent recalculation showed that less than 2% of the papers cited the scientists actually believed that mankind is mainly responsible for any global warming.

But the usual suspects in politics, the media, and the entertainment business picked up on the terms “97%” and “Scientifics.” They were repeated as a chant, and now the public assumes – based on almost nothing but repetition, brainwashing, indoctrination – that emissions of carbon dioxide is causing global warming and is of a critical danger to life on Earth, which is not true, it is nothing short of preposterous, as all living beings are carbon-based and indeed, depend on carbon. In fact, a war on carbon, equates to a war on life itself. This is the true brainteaser. This is the true question to ask. Are they waging a war on life itself?

Truth in science isn’t determined by consensus. For what it is worth, another survey was taken in 2009 among 31,000 hard scientists – physicists and chemists, not sociologists and psychologists – including 9,000 with Ph.Ds., who all explicitly stated that they believed there was no evidence of significant Global Warming.

Since the ’80s though, the establishment has been beating the drum for Global Warming. They completely omit the fact that the Earth went through a period 11.000 years ago, when it was a giant snowball. This climate change baloney didn’t come out of nowhere. The propaganda is about 40 or 50 years in the making. But back in the ’50s and ’60s, people thought the opposite. People were worried about global cooling. They thought the world was going to turn into a giant frozen, tundra-like Siberia. That was the fear then.

On the first Earth Day in 1970, Paul Ehrlich said that all the fish in the oceans would die and wash up on shore. Then, the fear became acid rain. And after that, everyone was made to worry about a hole that was going to appear in the ozone layer.

Today, people don’t even use the phrase global warming anymore. They have altered that to climate change. It’s an ongoing public relations machine. So, this promotion keeps evolving. Expect more slogans for the sheeple to fall for, lock, stock and barrel.

Only the Sun can cause Global Temperature Fluctuation.

Climate variations are mainly caused by fluctuations in the sun’s intensity. And, also caused by the gradually changing tilt of the Earth’s axis., known as the Milankovitch cycles, implicating changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun. The solar system’s movement around the galaxy may have major, but as yet unpredictable effects on the climate. But there are other important factors too.

Volcanism is one: About 40 to 50 volcanos are spewing gigantic amounts of gas into the atmosphere at any one time – and there are many more under the oceans. As explained above with regard to ocean currents, these are vastly more important to the climate, being heat sponges, than the atmosphere. The circulation of ocean currents is critical to the climate. The atmosphere is thin and lightweight by comparison to the ocean.

The most concerning aspect about global warming is the hysteria that might discredit the very idea of science for the average man. They speak about concepts that the majority has no understanding of.

Could the planet actually start cooling soon? If so, how soon could that happen? Any geologist will explain that we’re in an interglacial period, and it’s highly likely there is going to be another genuine ice age when this interglacial period ends, just as they were predicting back in the ’70s. However, the timing is up in the air.

Earth’s Geological History Tells the Truth

Global Warming alarmists never, ever, mention the Earth’s geological history. Not even its very recent history, for example since the invention of writing. There have been large fluctuations in climate, confirmed by ice-core drilling in glaciers, sediments on the ocean floor, and tree rings.

For instance, the Roman Warm Period between roughly 250 BC and 400 AD, coincided with the rise and peak of the Roman Empire. That was followed by a serious cold snap that may have been instrumental in causing the barbarian invasions from the north, followed by the Dark Ages. Then came the Medieval Warm Period from about 950-1250. Then the Little Ice Age followed, which took place between roughly 1300 and 1850.

Since then, the planet has been gradually warming up again. Of course, over a longer period of time, it’s been warming since the last major ice age ended, 11,000 years ago.

Climate change has become a pop culture drumbeat. If you watch the Oscars, somebody will come out of the woodworks saying; “We’ve got to do something about the climate.” But no one, of course, knows what to do. All they know is that we should give the government more money to do something, anything. And all that money is obviously going to come from the taxpayers in the developed world.

So it’s basically just a giant tax swindle. Last year’s carbon taxes brought in $82 billion. That’s a big catch. And no one even knows where this money went. Don’t question it, because everybody obviously has the best of intentions. Questioning anything pertaining to this fraud, makes you a first class criminal. It is just one big money fraud!

Apart from the carbon taxes, government acquires much more control over commerce. When people buy an airline ticket, they’ve got to pay extra money to a U.N. organisation to diminish the effect they have on the lower atmosphere or whatever the hoax says, when flying through it in an airplane.

The airline takes the money and buys carbon offset credits. But no one really knows where that money goes. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is saying the world will end in 12 years if we don’t do something about climate change. She’s proposing not to fly anymore, and that electric trains across the ocean should be constructed. Guess who benefits from this nonsense?

Humans can have an effect on the planet, but not even remotely as considerably as the sun, volcanism, and other natural phenomenon. The big danger isn’t climate change, it’s the hysteria. Meanwhile, government and the insider villains manipulate it, to destroy the economy.

Unfortunately, most science funding today is done directly and indirectly through the government. By design, this entire scam has been integrated into the political process.

Climate science has been turned from a legitimate branch of knowledge into a new age religion, where heretics are persecuted. It’s become a means to centralise even more power in the State. After all, the fate of the Earth is at stake!

Climate change itself poses zero threat to the economy. But the hysteria about it is a tremendous threat. That’s a major reason why global warming is popular. Most people feel morally righteous, and that God is on their side. These things appeal to emotion, not to reason. It’s all about psychology, not science. They even maintain; ‘it’s going to be the end of life on Earth’. It is basically a small, corrupt, extremely vocal minority – manipulating the majority into the belief that we’re all going to die because the oceans are going to drown us as the Earth turns into a giant steam bath.

How much warmer can it become if we consider the historical data from the end of the last ice age, 11,000 years ago? No one knows. How much longer is it going to be before we go into another ice age? Neither is known. The real argument isn’t about earth science. It’s about political science. The Deep State that is pushing this Fake Science, creating a Fake Reality counts on the sheeple to follow them. If the masses believe the illusion, the illusion becomes reality. But if the majority of us were to awaken to the deception, the illusion would be vaporized into non-existence.

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Together, we can make life better for all of us.


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