John McAfee – Catch Me If You Can

John McAfee – Catch Me If You Can

John McAfee’s saga continues back in Ambergris Caye where he resided after his Lab was shut down at his compound in the town of Orange Walk in 2012. A few months later tragedy struck when McAfee’s neighbor was shot dead, execution-style in his home. This shocked the island of Ambergris Caye. The American ex-patriot, Greg Faull lived three houses down from John McAfee. Faull often had to walk past McAfee’s home to get to a bar he frequented, where McAfee’s dogs would be out front albeit in an enclosed yard. The dogs were noisy and intimidating. Faull had a problem with the dogs so he made a formal complaint and also told all his friends and anyone who would listen he was going to poison the dogs. 

McAfee claims that he never had any type of relationship with Greg Faull in five years and spoke less than 50 words to him and none of them were bad words. In the last couple of months, prior to the killing, he did speak to him twice when Greg Faull told him “You better do something with your dogs”, to which John replied, “I agree, they’re annoying me too and I’m trying everything I can do.” 

Not long after that, on an evening in November 2012, some poisoned meat was thrown over McAfee’s fence and some of his dogs were poisoned. McAfee’s guards found the dogs dying the next morning and the dogs were subsequently shot to put them out of their misery. A day later Greg Faull was killed in his home with a single bullet to the back on his head. Many Belizeans believed John McAfee was responsible for his murder. 

John McAfee emphatically states,
“Let me make this perfectly clear. I had nothing whatsoever to do with the murder of Gregory Faull. Nothing… It’s not something that could ever possibly enter my mind”.

Given the timing of the dogs being poisoned and the fact Faull was shot the following day was enough for the Belize police to suspect John McAfee and of course wanted to speak with him, however, McAfee didn’t stick around to be questioned about the murder. He was afraid the authorities were trying to kill him, especially in light of what happened at his compound a few months before in Orange Walk. 

On December 1st, 2012 he went on the run with his entourage and 2 of his girlfriends. He also invited a film crew from Vice Magazine to document his flight from Belize to Guatemala. 

“As long as the world was paying attention, they couldn’t actually shoot me in the street,” McAfee said. 

Unfortunately for McAfee Vice Magazine unwittingly gave away their location in the GPS data encoded in a photo they published. 

After being on the run for nearly a month, Mcafee was arrested by the Guatemalan immigration officials for illegally entering Guatemala. He was about to be deported back to Belize when he collapsed. McAfee later said he faked a heart attack to buy time for his lawyer to organize his deportation back to the United States. 

“Sure I faked it,” He said. “What would you have done?” 

According to this video, there were two versions of events floating around at the time. One is a factual version, the other is John McAfee’s account… 


He was never arrested or charged in connection with Faull’s death and McAfee’s attorney in Guatemala was able to obtain a stay of deportation to Belize for him. The 2 girlfriends stayed for a time in Guatemala and McAfee was deported to Miami where he met his future wife at a restaurant – Janice Dyson. She was a “working girl” (prostitute) at the time. She said meeting John “…was magical… “He saw the hurt that was there. He saw the human in me. He thought I was worthy of a second chance”. 

John McAfee said, “I instantly saw in Janice what I had been looking for my entire life”. 

The case is still open and John McAfee is still a person of interest, however now he has since put his Belizean problems well behind him. McAfee and his wife moved to Lexington, Tennessee where he had a bodyguard with him everywhere he went and a substantial gun collection at his home. 

The man who many believe only wants attention replied to critics who called his month-long sojourn and blog posts a publicity stunt by simply saying…

‘What’s a better story, millionaire mad man on the run. You (the media) saved my ass. Because you paid attention to the story. As long as you are reporting, it’s hard to whack somebody that the world is watching”. 

To be continued…


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Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



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