Complete Hybrid Automation Includes Video Channels Conference Rooms and Augmented Reality

Complete Hybrid Automation Includes Video Channels, Conference Rooms and Augmented Reality

Markethive has been a vision of Founder and CEO, Thomas Prendergast, spanning more than 20 years of his Entrepreneurial existence offline and online. After much success in his previous companies, he saw what could be achieved for the betterment of all when the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency came on the scene. Although operational and experiencing rapid growth, Markethive has been in Beta for the past 4 years perfecting the system. Now his vision is fast becoming a reality with Launch imminent in just months.

Over the course of writing articles about Markethive and dissecting their products and services to give a better understanding of what this platform and system are all about and how it can benefit you, there are more facets of Markethive below, making it more unique and the next generation in Social/Market Media. 

Video Channel

Markethive’s video channel is a hybrid system. Similar in function to Youtube and Hangouts, but will also auto-upload your video to your other video channel accounts like our Roku channel, Youtube, Vimeo, and Facebook.

Channels allow you to create, curate and collate your own special thematic home for videos on Markethive. Create a Channel to give your viewers a destination to watch your videos, or set up a Channel to showcase videos from other Markethive members. Other people can subscribe to your channel, and the videos you add will show up in their news feed.

Image Sharing Platform

 Image sharing will be hosted on each member’s unique domains when we launch our exclusive CPanel option on our future TLD .hive. (Top-level domain -TLD). In essence, that means each member will have their own assigned domain with  and will look like this… 

The primary purpose of image sharing is for including images on your Newsfeed, blogs, capture pages, and your own WordPress sites. Image sharing will also have organizational directories and public to private authorization accessed for your Profile pages image directory.

Conference Rooms

Markethve’s conference rooms operate via the peer to peer via the blockchain, secure and private. Run with an avatar engine, accessed via an API so the room is branded according to you, includes whiteboards, desk sharing, and auto-schedule into your widgets and Google calendar.

The Google Calendar has been integrated into the Markethive Calendar for both time-management and scheduling Markethive events, webinars, and leads all auto-publish to your Google calendar in many of the services in the Markethive environment.

Markethive Enters The Race

I love this video with CEO Thomas Prendergast and CTO Douglas yates, not only explaining their backgrounds, the most important fundamentals of Markethive and what it stands for but also showcasing the incredible augmented reality of the three individuals talking. Fascinating… 

Copyright Directive

With recent legislation enacted in March 2019, namely Article 11 (link tax) and Article 13 This law is designed to stop users from uploading copyrighted content by forcing platforms to build massive filters or face huge lawsuits and fines.  Markethive simply gives you your own domain for all your content, videos and images to originate from. 
When you join Markethive you receive (for free) a CPanel control panel and WordPress system built into your assigned domain, a subdomain of AKA This way you control all your content, without the worry or hassles of government overreach and anti-freedom regulations designed to stifle the start-ups and small entrepreneur.

Free System – Free Speech

All of this for free incorporated into a transparent blockchain system, the platform is completely decentralized delivering on our principles of privacy, transparency, and free speech.
We are not spying on you; shadow banning you; or terminating accounts, for any reason.

We Are All Entrepreneurs 

Reid Hoffman is quoted saying… 
“I believe every individual is now an entrepreneur, whether they recognize it or not”  

He goes on to say…
“The average job length these days is two to four years. (Gone are the days when people stayed in a job for 40 years.) So, that makes a person a Small Business. You are the entrepreneur of your own small business. How do you get to your next gig? How do you do your career progression? All these things now fall on the individual shoulders. And so, they’re essentially an entrepreneur.”


When you develop a proprietary suite of advanced, effective inbound marketing tools, News & PR sites and integrate the entire system into a LinkedIn, YouTube, FaceBook like social network and interface on the Blockchain, you have the world’s first entrepreneur business person’s social network. 

Then offer the entire system for free to the entire worldwide market of entrepreneurs. That includes small businesses, local businesses, regional businesses, global businesses, cottage industries, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, insurance agents, affiliate marketers, software innovators, musicians, churches, political platforms, political candidates, distributors, network marketers, innovators, and dreamers! Which one are you? 



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 





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