Satoshi Awards to Honor ‘Ethical Innovation on the Blockchain’

Know anyone in the cryptocurrency world who could use some extra recognition?
Nominations will open soon for The Satoshi Awards. The awards will premiere at a ceremony in Acapulco, Mexico in February 2020 with the theme “Honoring Ethical Innovation on the Blockchain”.
Prominent Libertarians Head Nomination Committee
The Satoshi Awards organizers also added three well-known names from the libertarian space to their nominating committee: economist Jeffrey Tucker, CoinText founder and “Gigolos” star Vin Armani, and CEO Roger Ver. The committee will choose finalists in 12 categories (yet to be determined). They will assess entrants determined to have had “the greatest impact on the spreading acceptance and ethical use of cryptocurrencies to the benefit of humankind”.
Those interested can suggest category ideas by visiting the Satoshi Awards website. Other names on the committee include “Psychological Anarchist” Sterlin Lujan, Crypto Adventures founder Elsa Ramon, Coinbase senior engineer Josh Ellithorpe, and EOS’s Adrianna Mendez. The public will choose the eventual winners, via a tokenized voting system to guarantee transparency and fairness.
Satoshi Awards Open to All Blockchain Projects
Given the selection committee and the event’s timing — which coincides with the annual “Anarchapulco” conference for anarchists and libertarians — expect the selections to lean in that direction. However nominations will be open to anyone in the cryptocurrency space, and according to organizers will not favor any particular blockchain protocol. Satoshi Awards founder Steve Ellis, who will host the ceremony, is promising a memorable event:
“The show we have planned will set the standard for awards ceremonies in this space. I’m really excited about the direction we’re taking and so are our sponsors,” he said. Nomination committee members and organizers plan to meet once a week to discuss updates and decide the overall format for the awards event. They’re also looking for official sponsors and partners, and have announced DASH Thailand and DASH Now as the first two, based on those organizations’ drive to promote cryptocurrency in Asia.
Article Produced By
Jon Southurst