The One Bounty to rule them all

One Bounty To Rule Them All

Markethive’s flagship Coin Bounty is our “Infinity Bounty” (social registration and social following) with at least 9 of your social accounts following 12 of our social accounts. This Bounty affects all of our future bounties. Here is how it will work:

Step One: Make sure you have setup the following social networks for yourself. You can set up even more if you like but that is not required for this Bounty just the 12 listed here.

Step Two: Go to your Markethive Social Network control panel found in Markethive settings and register your social accounts there.

Step Three: Navigate to our social networks and follow us on the following: Twitter | Telegram | Reddit | Instagram | Youtube | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Facebook | Tumblr | Medium | Diigo | VKontakte

Step Four: The Infinity Bounty logo will now appear on your Profile page and the icon at the top above the nav bar in the Markethive dashboard signifying being currently active and qualified for this infinity bounty campaign. The ICON in your navbar tray will appear red when active and grey out when needing attention.

Summary: The “Infinity Bounty” program is designed to enhance most of our future and current Bounty, Faucet and Airdrop programs. IE: when you are fully qualified with the “Infinity Bounty” program, your faucet (micro payment) earnings increase by 10%. You will receive matching airdrop bonuses when your Associates upgrade to Entrepreneur. You will receive your first month in Entrepreneur program for free.  You will receive greater benefits from our other Bounty programs too.

Join our Infinity Bounty Group to stay up on the current direction we are going.

Thomas Prendergast




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