3 Reasons why BitMesh’s Removal of XRP Won’t Matter Much

3 Reasons why BitMesh’s Removal of XRP Won’t Matter Much


There are dozens of cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms around the world.

Some companies have a better reputation and reach than others, which is only normal in this nascent industry. BitMesh, while not the most popular exchange, will delist various trading pairs. One of them is XRP, which raises a fair few questions.

The Surprising Removal of XRP from BitMesh

In an email sent out to its customers, the BitMesh team explains how several altcoins, tokens, and assets will be removed from the platform over the next few days. While most of these offerings will not cause anyone to lose sleep whatsoever, the removal of XRP is a rather noteworthy development in its own right. It is one of the top markets in this industry, thus one has to wonder what has driven this decision exactly. There are many different reasons which may contribute to such a turn of events. At this time, it is evident XRP is one of the least liquid markets on the Bitmesh trading platform. It is only traded against Bitcoin, which will not exactly get too many people excited right away. This trading pair is also available on virtually all major trading platforms, where volume is not an issue whatsoever.

No Real Impact on Trading Volume

With the low trading volume offered by Bitmesh, it seems this delisting will not cause any major concerns in that regard either. Ripple’s native asset can be traded across roughly 400 trading pairs, which doesn’t even include BitMesh. There are also quite a few other exchanges which don’t node any real trading volume for this asset right now, yet they show no indication of removing this pair anytime soon. It is rather remarkable to see how much trading volume XRP can generate these days. A fair few trading pairs focus on the USDT market or fiat currency pairs, which are a lot more popular than trading the asset against Bitcoin these days. Albeit Bitmesh also provides USDT and USDC trading, it never allowed Ripple’s asset to be a part of that select club, for some unknown reason.

Price Impact Should be Minimal

While it is never good to learn a particular market will be removed from an exchange without much of an explanation, this decision will not disrupt XRP’s overall price trend. The exchange in question is too small to have any notable effect in that regard, although there might be a few panicky Tweets and other social media messages moving forward. For most users, it is best to ignore any panic-spreading attempts or FUD regarding Ripple’s asset. After all, this is a very minor exchange taking a course of action which has seemingly everything to do with liquidity rather than anything else. It is still advised BitMesh users withdraw the to-be-removed assets in the next two weeks, as no further withdrawals will be honored afterward.

Article Produced By
JP Buntinx

JP Buntinx is a FinTech and Bitcoin enthusiast living in Belgium. His passion for finance and technology made him one of the world's leading freelance Bitcoin writers.




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