Markethive Coin – MHV Now Listed On Its First Exchange

Markethive Coin – (MHV) Now Listed On Its First Exchange: Press Release



Markethive Makes Headway to Complete the Monetization of the

First Market Network to utilize Blockchain Technology.


ANNOUNCEMENT: Markethive’s Cryptocurrency Coin has been accepted by one the first of many exchanges, Although the mid-term goal is for Markethive to have its own Exchange, this will initially put the Markethive Coin (MHV) on the map and of course increase the velocity of this Consumer Coin that is already being accumulated and used consistently by Markethive Associates and Entrepreneurs within the Ecosystem by way of Infinity Airdrops, Incentives, and Micropayments.


CEO and Co-founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast says,


“This is an exciting time and a huge deal for us. Our engineers have been working tirelessly to establish Markethive on the Blockchain which has been a great success and now in operation. Markethive members will now be able to transfer MHV coin over to the Raisex Exchange for conversion.  We are now ready for the next step and will be accelerating the introduction of our KYC protocol for our members.”


CTO and Co-Founder Douglas Yates adds,


“Right now, all Entrepreneurs and Associates are accumulating their Markethive coins via their Coin Purse inside Over 25 million MVH coins have been distributed through our airdrop and micropayment system so far. We have had over 30,000 transactions within the Markethive system, including “Tips” given by members. This action has replaced the “Likes” that you see on so many other platforms.

Our coin (MHV) is publically listed on where it can be traded. You can buy or sell it there. The transfer of the coin out of the Markethive Coin Purse to Raisex requires an upgrade to our system. My team at Menlo Technology is now diligently working on this upgrade and will be completed and implemented very soon.”  


What ensures Markethive’s success and longevity?

Markethive produces the coin to give as an incentive to sign up and use the products and services Markethive offers, predominantly for free. The Company is not using the coin to raise money. It's not speculative but has the ability and potential to become very valuable due to many products and services that are in high demand. Underpinned by mining hives that will drive the coins (MHV) along with all the features the system offers, which is the lifeblood to Entrepreneurs. So pump and dumps won't affect the company or its revenue. They're not dependent upon speculation of their coin. They are dependent upon delivering services and products people want whether the coin is up or down, which in turn will increase the value of the coin despite the markets.


Markethive is designed to be able to produce a legitimate income – Learn More



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