Markethive: Bringing Universal Income For Entrepreneurs

Markethive: Bringing Universal Income For Entrepreneurs


The Marketive path and journey is what I believe in and support, and as such has become my driving force pertaining to everything I do at this point in time. It is a mission I support 100% that's based upon a lifelong vision of CEO and Founder, Thomas Prendergast … having been in beta testing now for the past 4 years, Markethive is now on the verge of rising up, with their primary mission being to build a UNIVERSAL INCOME which will support the efforts of entrepreneurs in building their business(es) and their dreams.

Markethive's Rising Up is Part of the New Revolution.
Our company's foundation is built upon 27 years of proven technology, merging with the blockchain. This will result in a fleet of money machines driving the basic platforms, creating a collaborative entrepreneurial ecosystem and community wherein the members and subscribers will have the ability to achieve substantial, sustainable, livable incomes, not just in the short term, but for generations to come. 

Because that is what Markethive is, a true revolution for those among the rank and file, those who aspire to create and be a part of something bigger than they are, mothers and fathers and even families who struggle to turn their dreams into realities.

We are not launching an ICO, but we could. You are invited to come to our weekend webinars to find out exactly what we are doing. As of now, we currently have a total of 4 webinars scheduled: 2 on Saturdays, and 2 on Sundays, all addressing different subjects. I highly encourage you to attend, because what we are about to launch could truly contribute to you becoming very wealthy.

We are Markethive, and we will be making huge waves in the not-too-distant future.

#1 Webinar:
9am Pacific, 10am Mountain, 11am Central, noon Eastern, 1pm Atlantic

Join the CEO, Thomas Prendergast and Steven Cavan, Reach Engineer
An important workshop as we build out a reach into the millions worldwide.
Watch, listen, learn and ask in a real live production environment.

We will also be revealing the details of our upcoming Airdrop and how that can accelerate your business and literally create a fortune for you, plus how this all ties into Markethive bringing “Universal Income” to entrepreneurs. You will be fascinated as to how hemp power plays into Markethive building a huge flotilla of internationally sovereign "money machines" (hives), along with how all this will drive Markethive into the top ten Crypto Currencies and the number one "Social" Market Network in the world … these may sound like somewhat impossible dreams, but we have in place what's needed to achieve these goals, and besides — there is nothing wrong with dreaming BIG and aiming as high as is possible.

#2 Webinar:
5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern, 9pm Atlantic

Join the CEO, Thomas Prendergast to learn how to guarantee associate signups via your Profile Page and using the Markethive Capture Page System.

#3 Webinar:
8am Pacific, 9am Mountain, 10am Central, 11am Eastern, noon Atlantic

Join the Markethive CEO and Crypto Expert, Thomas Prendergast.
Free Bitcoin, join the revolution.

#4 Webinar:
3pm Pacific, 4pm Mountain, 5pm Central, 6pm Eastern, 7pm Atlantic

Description: Join the CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, to discuss the current 
projects, projections and the coming revolution of the Hive.

Our new engineering organization with over 200 engineers is run by David Hickman, a long-time friend of one of our Markethive Founders, Douglas Yates, and this single factor is the tipping point for Markethive’s rise to prominence in the market. We have already addressed and updated many aspects of Markethive already, and as we speak, all the unfinished projects in Development are being completed and made ready to upgrade into Production. Buckle up brothers and sisters, because Markethive is about to take over the world, and predicted to truly be history in the making. I know, I am a big thinker and dreamer, always have been, always will be … but I can say with certainty that this is truly a mission and an ordained vision whose time is NOW, having personally known Thomas Prendergast and witnessing the progression and evolution that has taken place over the past 25+ years.

Thomas Prendergast, CEO and Douglas Yates, CTO will also be revealing, discussing and displaying progress on many important projects, such as our site and White Paper’s headway as it is being completed, our plans and projections, why we choose to fund via an ILP instead of an ICO, as well as our Infographics, videos and other presentation materials and resources focused upon the entire workings of Markethive, current systems, proposed as well as in-development systems. This is going to be a big event you should not want to miss.

See you there, and if you wish to get a FREE hands-on, no cost sneak peek, and no obligation "test drive" of the Markethive platform, you can register here and see it all from the inside. See for yourself what all the "buzz" is about:

Also, find out just how you can participate in the upcoming Airdrop and get FREE coins, and take part in our Universal Income project, where we pay generous financial incentives, bonuses and matching bonuses to those helping us to spread the news about Markethive, far and wide. Plus, as if that isn't enough, we pay people to "engage" within the system itself, literally paying participants to earn while they learn from some of the best mentors and coaches around. The education alone that is being offered is priceless, which will teach anyone determined to learn how to be an expert online marketer, with the ability to grow any type of business. Add to that the financial rewards we give to those who take advantage of the training and guidance, and it just doesn't get any better than this.

I do, however, suggest you stay closely tuned in for all the latest, as there is so much more on the horizon that is yet to be revealed. 


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